Holiday Trivia

(Click the link below for the answers)


1. What's the name of Rudolph's girlfriend?


2. Who wrote the comical Hanukkah song? 


3. What's the name of Clark Griswold's brother-in-law? 


4. How many ghost's show up in the Christmas Carol? 


5. Miracle on 34th St. was based on a real life department store, which store was it? 


6. Where are the McCallister's going on vacation when they leave Kevin home alone? 


7. Which one of Santa's Reindeer has the same name as another holiday mascot?  


8. What movie does the famous saying, "You'll shoot your eye out" come from?  


9. In the song winter wonderland what do they name the snowman? 


10. What's the highest grossing Christmas movie of all time? 


11. How many gifts in total were given in the twelve days of Christmas song? 


12. Best selling Christmas song of all time? . 


13. Who wrote Christmas doesn't come from a store, maybe Christmas means a little bit more?  


14. What popular Christmas song was actually written for Thanksgiving?


15. Who was the first company to use Santa Claus in their advertisements?  

Live Interview

Dave Carlo, our Executive Director and Jake Tegman sit down to chat about all that we do at Mesa County RSVP
Open Enrollment 
We have been hard at work with our numerous walk-in open enrollment events. 
These events are first come, first serve, no appointment necessary. 
We only have 2 left in the month of December... 
One on
Friday December 1st, 2023 from 9AM-2PM
and our last one will be 
December 5th, 2023 from 9AM-2PM. As always we will have walk-in days every
Thursday from 9AM-12PM
Grand Valley Gives 

Grand Valley Gives is a collaboration of non-profit organizations that participate in

Colorado Gives Day

and that are based in Mesa County, Colorado.
Colorado Gives Day is December 5th, 2023
Important updates in our company
Refreshed User Interface
Our new Volgistics software has been working wonderfully. If you need assistance signing in please call immediately. 
Check out the nacho bar Shannon Morlan, our Handyman Manager, provided for our ramp crew volunteers as appreciation for all they do!
She also obtained additional grant funds through Bray Cares! 
Thank you so much Shannon for all you do.
The handy man project is a vital part of Mesa County RSVP...
One of our clients, just to leave home, it took two people on either side of her to help her down the six stairs from her house to her mobility scooter. When she returned home, she left the scooter at the bottom of the stairs, sat down, and used her arms to propel herself up those six steps. This limited her activity and forced her to stay home, except for doctor visits.
Pamela needed a wheelchair ramp. Since RSVP Handyman Project volunteers constructed one for her, she can ride her scooter into and out of her home whenever she wants-independently, and without pain. She plans to enjoy life again by volunteering in our community, and can once again, as she says, "participate in my own life".
What the handyman project crew does is invaluable. You have our sincere gratitude. 
Volunteer Opportunities
We have been hunting for you! We have several volunteer opportunities coming up. We would love for you to be a part of the festivities and join our team
Changing lives since 2013.
Stephanie began volunteering with RSVP in November 2013 and has served a total of 7176.85 hours.


Stephanie has served at Museum of Western Colorado – Cross Orchards since January 2018 and Roice-Hurst Animal Shelter from November 2015 through August 2020. Stephanie has also volunteered as an usher for the Grand Junction Symphony, other one-time events, and in the office of Mesa County RSVP.


Valerie Herrera-Hanner, our volunteer manager, sat down and asked Stephanie how she started with RSVP, and she said she went to a Medicare 101 class in our office and heard about RSVP. She thought that this would be a good way to give back.


Stephanie said that her favorite volunteer position has been at Cross Orchards and she has served there the longest.


Valerie asked Stephanie what would people be surprised to know about you? She said that she was in the Army Nurse Corps in Ft. Myers Virginia and New Jersey. She also was in Public Health Nursing in Colorado Springs and then went to Alaska where she provided medical care to nine villages. It was quite an adventure. Stephanie served as a Nurse Practitioner for around 12 years.


I asked her what she would say to someone considering volunteering with RSVP. She talked about the opportunities that are available, that the staff are concerned about the volunteers, they keep track of them and that there are so many different things to do so that a person doesn’t have to feel stuck or bored with a position.
Thank you Stephanie for over 7000 hours of dedication, 
we appreciate you!
December Birthdays 
We hope you have a wonderful year! Scan the QR-Code for your virtual birthday card.  
Once again thank you for sharing your time, talents and joy with RSVP
and all of our cooperating agencies. 
We wish you and your family wonderful and healthy holidays! 
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422 White Avenue, Ste. 090, Grand Junction, Colorado, 81501
